💥 Ideation & Concept
creative direction, campaigns, films
🤖 Technology & Innovation
AI, Web3, digital experiences
📝 Storytelling & Copy
german native, fluent in english
🤳 Social Media
strategy, concepts, posts
🧰 UX-Writing & IA
wireframing, microcopy, guidelines
💬 Say Hi
↓ Portfolio ↓
Agency: Accenture Song | Role: From start to end
The Lufthansa #LifeChangingPlaces campaign inspires people all over the world to discover new places. To kick-off the campaign in the USA, we let people experience the feeling of discovering something new by themselves – through an immersive mixed-reality experience with unique shareability.
Agency: stoff | Role: Ideation & Concept
Audio is deeply established in our everyday life. Natural sounds for relaxing or falling asleep are not only a million-clicked trend, their positive effects are also scientifically proven. For the new campaign of the Olympic Region Seefeld, we captured these natural sounds and made the region audible & tangible in a new way – with just one click on YouTube, Spotify, Apple or Amazon Music.
Agency: Accenture Song | Role: Concept, Copy & Co.
The last years were anything but normal. Instead of experiencing liberation, we were stuck at home. But summer wasn't canceled. In our campaign, we showed a new summer full of optimism and creativity, where style isn’t fashion but also a form of local escapism – to create a once-in-a-lifetime summer together, no matter the circumstances. Summer is ours!
Agency: La Red | Role: Ideas, Concepts, Copies etc. (German only)
How does an old fashioned grandma brand become the social media darling of all grandchildren? Quite simple: Through a new brand identity, delicious content as well as minimal but targeted use of media. That's what we developed for Golden Toast – with a lot of humor and continuous interaction rates from 8 to 20 percent.
Agency: Accenture Song | Role: Concept, Copies
Traveling is less a tourist activity, but more a self-experience – in a world where endless adventures are waiting. This curiosity, this openness, this “yes” to new experiences Lufthansa celebrates in its global prize communications. On every channel and format.
Agency: Hey Now | Role: Wireframing (Figma), IA, UX-Writing
"Understand more. Achieve more." The new brand communication of comdirect inspires people to take finances into their own hands. In a relaunch we integrated this attitude into the online magazine with a new concept, visuality and entertaining content – ideally adapted to the behavior and know-how of the user. No matter if beginner or finance expert.
McDonald’s (films, radio, ideas) // Future Fuels Experience (IA, Wireframing, UX-Writing) // Lufthansa PR stunt for the European Election // BOSCH Service Solutions campaign // TV & cinema commercials PiCK UP! // The Circle launch campaign (B2B/B2C) // SummitLynx brand strategy // RUAG Space USA launch // Wech coloring book // and much more ...
Markus Knauss // born in the Austrian Alps // living across Europe // over 10 years of experience // BA Journalism & PR // yeah, i also won some awards – ADC, Webby etc.
Worked for: Mercedes Benz, Lufthansa, Google, McDonald's, Netflix, Volkswagen, Aldi, Zalando, Bosch, Beiersdorf, Blue Tomato ...
Roots & Friends: Accenture Song, La Red, Scholz & Friends, Hey Now, MetaDesign, Zum goldenen Hirschen, Boom and many more
I'm not a theorist person. I love to try new things instead of philosophizing about them - sometimes more, sometimes less successful. 😂 The results:
If you travel a lot, you can't carry all your books with you. That's why I collect them here - with honest feedback and recommendations. German only!
Founded with two friends, we created a magazine with truly unique covers, crazy stories and a lot of feel good moments.
Do pictures and stories always need Photoshop to be awesome? I'm trying to prove the opposite on analog 35mm.
At 17 I wrote the manuscript, two years later (2009) the book got published. The story: a kafkaesque perspective shift...
I love Arduinos & Co. Controlling something analog digitally – or vice versa – is super exciting. Even as a coding noob. 🙈